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20 Posts By troy burk

  • 'Sleepy Hollow' production moving to Atlanta if renewed

    Production of Fox Television’s popular series “Sleepy Hollow” will leave Wilmington for production in Atlanta if the show is renewed for a third season.

    At a press conference, Fox Television Group Chairman and CEO Dana Walden says the network considered Vancouver and Atlanta, and “it looks like will be heading to Atlanta,” reports the Star-News.

    The decision comes on the heels of the N.C. General Assembly’s replacement of the state’s film incentive program with a more limited grant system.


  • Obama to pitch middle-class economic plan in annual address

    US-State of UnionPresident Barack Obama is turning to his biggest television audience of the year to pitch tax increases on the wealthiest Americans and put the new Republican Congress in the position of defending top income earners over the middle class.

  • NFL, CBS extend Thursday night football

    Reviewing the Officiating FootbasllThursday night games were such a success this season for CBS that the network extended its deal with the NFL through the 2015 season.

  • Secret Service: Shots fired outside Bidens' Delaware home

    Biden Home Shots FiredMultiple gunshots were fired from a vehicle near the Delaware home of Vice President Joe Biden on Saturday night, the U.S. Secret Service said Sunday. The vice president and his wife were not at home at the time of the shooting, authorities said.

  • Duke Chapel dean calls for dialogue after Muslim prayer controversy

    Duke imam, chapel dean respond to controversyThe dean of the Duke University Chapel sent a message to parishioners Sunday, calling for continued dialogue after a plan to broadcast a Muslim call to prayer from the chapel tower was scrapped amid security threats.